AMN Policy Campaigns
AMN - WHO’s calling the shots?  Why Australia must STOP the WHO
Health Policy

WHO’s calling the shots? Why Australia must STOP the WHO

Australians' ability to make our own decisions about our health and health policy could soon be of the past.
5 mins
Upcoming Masterclass - 9th May
AMN Masterclass with Mr. Russell Broadbent MP

Join us as we delve into critical topics such as empowering individuals, informed consent, mistreatment of practitioners and much more.

GUEST: Mr. Russell Broadbent MP

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AMN - WHO Pandemic Treaty - What Every Australian Needs to Urgently Do?
Health Policy

WHO Pandemic Treaty - What Every Australian Needs to Urgently Do?

Australians and the Australian government must oppose this treaty.
AMN Board
6 mins

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