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Become a member of AMN

Creating experiences for medical, health and community trailblazers who want a trusted, personalised and openminded health care service.

Medical/Health Membership

AMN - Become a member of AMN - Medical Proffesionals

Membership with the AMN is designed to help you prosper in your medical and health career or business. AMN will provide opportunities for you to extend your networks, grow professionally and be supported through positive and challenging times. Membership is opened to all medical and health professionals, including academics, health economists and health policy and management professionals.

Membership Fees

Community Membership

AMN - Become a member of AMN - Community

There are many reasons why AMN is different to other health organizations and one of them is our inclusive approach to health and wellbeing. While we need the expertise of clinicians, medical scientists and health care professionals, at the center of health and wellbeing is you. Membership with the AMN will help you make better health decisions, gain access to doctors who will put you at the centre of their care, and will empower you to understand your medical and health rights.

Membership Fees

Medical/Health Student Membership

AMN - Become a member of AMN - Students

You are the future of Australia and a student membership with the AMN provides access to a network of support, knowledge, resources and services that goes beyond what universities and other health organisations can provide. Student membership is available to students in the process of completing a medical or health related post-graduate or undergraduate degree, diploma or certificate form a college, TAFE or university.

Membership Fees

Medical/Health Membership (Retired)

AMN - Become a member of AMN - Community

We welcome retired medical and health practitioners as members. Your valuable knowledge and expertise are critical in solving the significant health challenges we face collectively today. Membership in the AMN provides access to resources as well as invaluable opportunities to keep connected with a network of professionals who are making a genuine impact in the lives of other professionals and patients.

Membership Fees

Career/financial hardship?

AMN - Become a member of AMN - Financial Hardship

We understand that some members of the community are experiencing financial hardships. If this is you and you would like to still join the AMN please contact us at:

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